Monday 6 August 2012


Paul Chedgey has recently completed a post-graduate diploma course in gynaecology taught by Dr Trevor Wing, who studied in one of the main hospitals in China under one of that country’s leading specialists.  Herbal medicine and acupuncture are the first choice of treatment in China for conditions such as infertility, menstrual pain and irregularity and menopausal symptoms: these are regarded as the most effective therapies.

Having gained distinction in the final examination, Paul is able to incorporate new skills and information to help a range of gynaecological problems, with great success.  A member of the British Acupuncture Council, the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Paul is now a registered associate of Dr Wing, regularly attending seminars and conferences, and reading the latest research papers to keep up to date with the many wonderful developments in this field.

Cranio-sacral therapy too can help with gynaecological difficulties and as a member of the Register of Cranio-Sacral Therapists, Paul incorporates this also into a treatment programme for such problems, such that improvement can be very rapid.