Monday, 8 October 2012

Fats and Health

It is a myth that eating fats causes weight gain, unless we consume trans fats hydrogenated into unnatural fats solid at room temperature.

The processing of unsaturated vegetable seed oils into hydrogenated margarine etc. creates toxicity – they cannot be properly metabolised and lead to disease.  However, saturated fats, e.g.: from butter and other animal foods, lower Lp(a) associated with heart disease, enhance immune function and contain many essential nutrients to combat cancer and promote fertility. Some types boost metabolism and reduce weight, whereas trans fats raise it.

So let’s avoid processed vegetable oils and rely more on healthy fats from coconuts, olives, fish and land animals not tortured by industrial farming, e.g.: pastured, grass fed cattle. Good seed oils such as flax and hemp are best kept refrigerated (easily go rancid), available from Sunny Foods and the Eastbourne Clinic of Natural Medicine: raw milk and butter delivered by Hook & Son near Hailsham, also organic yoghurt from Court Lodge Farm in Wartling.